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SEAL Team Six has been exposed to many martial art/hand to hand instructors/systems, only Dieters CQD has proven itself relevant to SEAL Team Six mission and has demonstrated sustained integrity.” – Mission Need Statement for SEAL Team Six, 1996


“I firmly believe that the stuff they learned this week will help them achieve victory on the battlefield. It’s the mission, the mission comes first, the mission is everything…This course, more so than any other course that we have in Naval Special Warfare, has the most military application and I think enhances you as an operator and will enable you to achieve victory on the battlefield, maintain mission success and not embarrass our nation. – CAPT Maguire, 1996


“The training standard for close quarters armed and unarmed battle is the Dieters Close Quarters Defense System. Dieter CQD is the only hand-to-hand combat course authorized for funding by NSWDG, and will be scheduled by Blue, Gold, Red, Green, and Grey Teams for initial and sustainment training…Other martial arts disciplines may be pursued for hobbyist or competitive purposes at individual member’s expense on his or her own time.” – Commander’s Policy Statement 97-2, CAPT Olson, 1997


“Naval Special Warfare Center (NSWC) provides instruction on armed and unarmed combat to Naval Special Warfare (NSW) personnel. Over the last four years, NSW Combat Fighting Course instructors have trained with many national and international martial arts experts to insure that we are providing the best training possible. While these ‘experts’ are top of their field of competitive or ‘sport fighting,’ only one offers a system that has relevance to actual NSW mission requirements. That instructor is Mr. Duane Dieter…His CQD system is already being used exclusively by Naval Special Warfare Development Group…” –Sole Source Justification for CFC COI (K-431-0097) CAPT Yarborough, Jun 1997


"Ultimately, we spent a lot of time, taxpayer money and broke several of our bones in the quest for course material.  At one time, our course was very eclectic.  Course lesson topics included ground fighting, knife-stick fighting, the old SCARS “lessons” and other questionable tactical material.  In retrospect, not a single thing was ever learned from any of the training mentioned above that actually helped us prepare ourselves and our fellow SEALs for combat, WHICH WAS AND STILL IS THE SOLE REASON THE COURSE EXISTS.  

       … only the CQD material actually helped SEALs perform the types of mission essential skills that SEALs are required to perform.  In the high stress environment in which SEALs operate, where the possibility of death is very real, nothing that was ever learned from the “sport” guys or the “scammers” was of any value.  Nothing!  

             Only Dieter’s CQD system has proved successful in helping our teammates survive the violent encounters of gunfights (Simunitions helped to prove this beyond ANY doubt) and in cases where SEALs had to deal with motivated armed or unarmed opposition forces.  This was and continues to be the material that our friends in the teams need and are depending upon us to teach them.  

             New instructors need to return to the Source (Dieter) for their CQD instructor training.  Do not attempt to make new NSWC instructors from old NSWC instructors.  This is another area in which we have tried once and failed.  Go back to the Source; our teammates’ lives depend upon the accuracy of future instruction."  - Memorandum for Record from EMCS (SEAL) Ferguson, OIC, NSWC CQD Course to Future NSWC Instructors, July 1998

“NSW has been exposed to Dieter’s Close Quarters Defense (CQD) for nine years, it is the only system used by NSW that successfully integrates the use of firearms with other close fighting and prisoner control techniques that works during close fierce encounters in support of NSW missions. CQD has received broad community acceptance as improving NSW close combat ability and has become the standard for close combat techniques. Success of the system has been validated in both NSW exercises and operations…NAVSPECWARCEN CFC cadre tried to compile a program by sending personnel to train in various martial arts, sport fighting or choreographed systems. This approach produced numerous shortfalls and led to an ineffective program. The eclectic approach training came form a sport focus or unrealistic martial art choreographed system not a combat base. The skills and methods of training were designed to win a contest not prepare SEALs for NSW missions. This built conflicting responses in the operator and platoon that made the unit less cohesive in action. Of particular danger, these reflexes were not compatible with the use of firearms. The results are catastrophic under real pressure.” – CQD Sole Source Justification, 1999


“My intent is that we as community leaders, identify CQD as NSW’s defense/fighting system of choice based on its real operational applicability and lack of ‘hobbyist’ connotation (it’s also the NSW course that is highest rated by the students who take it), and then we work to move our people up the CQD training ladder at an appropriate pace. The NSWG Training Dets subscribe to CQD for predeployment training. You’ll have to pay some personal attention to this, as there are some who would work to undermine this effort in favor of training in martial arts disciplines that have more sport/hobby value. My experience is that the CQD nay-sayers have had little meaningful exposure to CQD. In my view, CQD is the kind of training that saves lives and keeps people in the Teams…” – ADM Olson, 2001


“For superior achievement while providing twelve years of dedicated and patriotic service to the Naval Special Warfare community. A highly acclaimed expert, Mr. Dieter was a key advisor to Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command and made significant contributions to the long-term success of the Naval Special Warfare community. Developing a program tailored to enhance warrior capabilities, he expertly trained deploying SEALs in mission critical skills. Many times his training has directly related to success in missions of National importance. By establishing levels of training to meet Force requirements, Mr. Dieter has helped to ensure SEALs will be ready when duty calls. His quality of service, impassioned commitment and unswerving loyalty resulted in increased readiness and mission capability of Naval Special Operating forces globally. His outstanding professional performance and total dedication to duty reflected great credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.” – Naval Superior Civilian Service Award Citation presented by Commanding Officer Naval Special Warfare Command, 2003


“I just want everyone to know the Naval Special Warfare Center’s “Close Quarters Defense” (or CQD) course is directly responsible for our deployed platoon’s current success in the nightly operations in Iraq. I personally feel this training is the MOST IMPORTANT/MOST CRITICAL training this platoon can get prior to deployment. The written point papers and interviews I’ve compiled from ST-5 personnel confirm what I’m saying. Most operators feel they couldn’t have done the job without this training, and that it may have saved lives (both innocent and our operators).” – CWO2 Loo, 2004

"Our men received some of the best and most combat applicable instruction from your staff during our CQD-2 course of instruction.  We cannot overstate the value and positive impact you made upon our unit through this most essential week of learning and instruction. These men are the best military instructors I have ever seen! …When our young operators are exposed to this level of professional example – men simply want to stick around.  Grooming, uniforms, posture, physical fitness, their confident presence and clear articulation in front of the class, their demonstrations, all were impeccable. They never spoke down to us, they used all of our mistakes as opportunities to teach and found positive in every action.  They complimented each other’s efforts in front of our class and spoke with respect to each other as warriors proud of their chosen profession.  We are proud to be known as partners with these warriors in our great community.…Continue to pick only the best for this important instructor duty assignment. ...In addition to the primary instruction, the CQD course has a secondary benefit of NCO and Officer leadership development.  This benefit exists because of the caliber of instructors chosen to teach this course and I presume has much to do with the association these men have with Duane Dieter."  - LCDR VanWennen, ST-1 TU-3, June 2005   



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